Tuesday, June 2, 2009

To Whom it May Concern

I thought that now that I am not working outside the house I would create a lifeline to anyone who might be interested in what is going on in my life and with my family. I am pregnant and due in Aug. RJ and I decided that I would stay home with the baby. My dear friend recently had a little boy and I had been watching him on my days off. A few weeks ago I decided to just enjoy the summer and quit my job early. Now I get to be a housewife and watch my little buddy 3 days a week. Right now the big things going on in our house are getting the baby's room ready and helping our little MinPin, Jackson, get use to the idea of having a baby around. He does pretty well...he does seem to have a problem when the baby cries. He doesn't seem to think that I take care of it fast enough! As we make progress in the room I will post pictures. For now I have highlighted our life. More later!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lady!! It will be fun to read and watch your family grow! I've very excited for you and RJ. Take care, my friend!

    You can check our blog out at: FallCreekEclectic.blosot.com (I'm currently missing a letter on my keyboard......lmno-qrst)

